New Policy for Musical Instruments and Chromebooks (11.2018)
Musical instruments and Chromebooks left outside of classrooms after school have become a real concern as we have seen much more damage to Chromebooks and many more lost instruments the first two months of the school year.  The majority of the instruments and all of the Chromebooks do belong to the school, which means that Woodside School is financially responsible.  Because of this, we have a responsibility to protect these items.  In order to take the proper care to make sure that the items are not stolen or damaged, and to help build student independence, the following process will be put in place beginning immediately:
  • All Chromebooks found outside on the ground, anywhere on campus, will be placed in Mr. Frank’s office. Students must pick up their forgotten Chromebooks in Mr. Frank’s office the following morning.
  • The maintenance staff will collect forgotten musical instruments after 4 p.m. each day. They will be placed in Mrs. Hoss’s music room (Room 37). Students must pick up their forgotten instruments from Mrs. Hoss the next morning.
  • The maintenance staff has been instructed to not allow anyone into classrooms after school hours to retrieve forgotten items.
  • Students who leave items are responsible to go to either Mrs. Hoss or Mr. Frank the next morning to retrieve the items. This will allow us to be able to identify individual students who may need additional support in building independence. Our goal is to protect the school’s equipment and to build independence, responsibility, and resiliency in all of the students. That begins with allowing your child to fail. If your child leaves an instrument or forgets something from a classroom, please follow the process outlined above and have your child follow up with the appropriate staff member the following day. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Frank. 

Our goal is to protect the school's investment and to build independence, responsibility, and resiliency in all of the students.  That begins with allowing your child to fail.  If your child leaves an instrument or forgets something from a classroom, please follow the process outlined above and have your child follow up with the appropriate staff member the following day.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Superintendent Frank.