We have recently completed a safety inspection in partnership with San Mateo County Schools Insurance Group (SMCSIG). Please review the key takeaways below and submit a maintenance ticket if you need assistance. Feel free to reach out directly if you have any questions.
  • Heavy objects (greater than 20lbs) should be stored below 42" or 3'6".
  • Walls should not be covered 50% or more with paper (art, posters, etc.) due to fire hazard. The 50% applies to each wall and not an average for the entire room.
  • Avoid using chairs/tables to reach high areas. There are ladders and assistance readily available upon request. 
  • Doors should remain closed during school hours for safety reasons as WESD is an open-campus.
  • Windows and lights should be covered and shut off at the end of day.
  • Personal appliances (toaster ovens, refrigerators, microwaves, etc.) in classrooms pose additional risks and strain the electrical systems.