Parcel Tax Oversight Committee
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Thank you for all your support in passing the parcel tax renewal Measure Y in the November 5, 2024, general election. The revenue generated through the parcel tax allows our school to maintain a robust instructional program and appropriately compensate our fabulous staff. 

These parcel tax dollars help us continue and enhance academic excellence at Woodside School by emphasizing quality instruction, especially in math, science, reading, and writing, attracting/retaining outstanding teachers, and maintaining small class sizes.

Woodside Elementary School District is currently seeking members for a Parcel Tax Citizens' Oversight Committee to monitor how the $300,000+ in annual parcel tax funds are spent.

Members should fit into one of the following categories:
  • active in a business organization representing local businesses;
  • active in a senior citizens' organization;
  • active in a taxpayers' association;
  • parent or guardian of a district student(s);
  • active in a school parent-teacher organization;
  • at-large community member who lives in the school district
The Committee will review and inform the public of parcel tax spending and submit spending recommendations to the School Board. Committee members will serve one or two years and can be reappointed for two additional years.

If you are interested in being a Parcel Tax Citizen's Oversight Committee member or need more information, please contact Michelle Ahlstrom. Thank you. 