The School Site Council Committee is looking for at least four (4) parent volunteers for the 2024-25 school year. Principals Hurley and Pedersen will oversee the council, meeting via Zoom only. If interested, please contact Michelle Ahlstrom.
Meetings on Tuesdays from 3:20-4:20pm via Zoom
September 24
January 28
(School Survey)
March 18
(School Survey)
April 29
School Site Council is a state-mandated organization that meets every other month on campus. The California Education Code requires the School Site Council to develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement for Consolidated Application programs operated at the school or in which the school participates. The School Site Council must approve the plan, recommend it to the local governing board for approval, monitor the implementation of the plan, and evaluate the results. At least annually, the School Site Council must revise the plan, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the Consolidated Application, and recommend it to the local governing board for approval.
Site Council administers parent and staff surveys of the school program in general, including curriculum, technology, GATE program, and other areas identified by the Administration and Site Council members. Survey results will be presented to the Governing Board and community.
The composition of the School Site Council is specified in the California Education Code as follows:
The School Site Council shall be composed of the principal and representatives of teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of students attending the school selected by such parents; and, in secondary schools, students selected by students attending the school.
School Site Council membership for the 2024-25 school year:
Parents: Weihai He, Jamie Boyle, Dan Simon (in 2025)
Administration Support: Michelle Ahlstrom
This summary is intended to help you understand the role and requirements of the School Site Council as governed by the California legislature (2001) for schools that participate in state and federal categorical programs funded through the Consolidated Application process, creating the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The requirements for monitoring these categorical programs are part of the same legislation. The SPSA planning process and local compliance monitoring are directly related.
This legislation established the following eight requirements for school plans:
School districts must ensure "that school site councils have developed and approved a plan, to be known as the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for schools participating in programs funded through the consolidated application process, and any other school program they choose to include"
School plans must be developed with the review, certification, and advice of any applicable school advisory committees. The School Site Council acts as an advisory committee to the local school board.
Any plans required by programs funded through the Consolidated Application, the School and Library Improvement Block Grant, the Pupil Retention Block Grant, Gifted and Talented Programs, and NCLB Program Improvement must be consolidated into a single plan.
The content of the plan must be aligned with school goals for improving student achievement.
School goals must be based upon "an analysis of verifiable state data, including the Academic Performance Index and the English Language Development test, and may include any data voluntarily developed by districts to measure student achievement.
The plan must address how Consolidated Application funds will be used to "improve the academic performance of all students to the level of the performance goals, as established by the Academic Performance Index."
The plan must be "reviewed annually and updated, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the Consolidated Application, by the School Site Council. Typically, the school board approves the plan before implementation occurs."
Plans must be reviewed and approved by the governing board of the local educational agency "whenever there are material changes that affect the academic programs for students covered by programs" funded through the Consolidated Application.
School Site Council will meet monthly on Mondays from 3:20 to 4:20pm via Zoom only on the following dates and includes an equal representation of all the constituents as outlined above. The meetings are open to all guests and Principals Jenn Pedersen and Patrick Hurley will be overseeing the meetings
School Site Council will meet on Mondays from 3:20 to 4:20pm via Zoom only on the following dates and includes an equal representation of all the constituents as outlined above. The meetings are open to all guests and Principals Jenn Pedersen and Patrick Hurley will be overseeing the meetings