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Thank you members for volunteering to serve on the Measure E Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. This website serves as the primary communication tool for the committee members, the community and the stakeholders.  The purpose is to provide information intended to assist the CBOC in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities associated with the oversight of the Measure E Bond and to keep the community and stakeholders informed of the activities of this committee that represents them. This page will be updated often with meeting agendas, meeting minutes, various financial reports and other information we hope the committee and the community find valuable.

Committee Responsibilities
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In accordance with Education Code Section 15278(b), the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee shall:

  1. Inform the public concerning the District’s expenditure of Measure E bond proceeds
  2. Review expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that Measure E bond proceeds were expended only for the purposes set for in Measure E
  3. Present to the Board of Trustees in public session, an annual written report outlining their activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of Measure E bond proceeds

Committee Members
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Kristin Herzog (term ending Novemer 2025)
Parent/Guardian of Child/Children Enrolled in District  
Bill Marr (term ending Novemer 2025)
Parent Guardian of Child/Children Enrolled in District
Christina Hengehold (term ending Novemer 2026)
Business Representative & Parent of Children Enrollment in District
Beth Nash (term ending Novemer 2026)
Parent/Guardian of Child Enrolled in District & Active in a Parent-Teacher Organization
Steve Humphrey (term ending Novemer 2025)
At-Large Community Member
Elizabeth Hobson (term ending Novemer 2026)
Senior Citizen Group Representative

Taxpayer Organization Member

Proposition 39 Bond Election
On March 5, 2024, voters residing within the Woodside Elementary School District passed Measure E.  Measure E is a $36 million bond measure that authorizes funding for needed repairs, upgrades, and new construction projects to the District’s schools. Proposition 39 required a 55% supermajority for approval; Measure E was passed by 65.4%.

Establishment of a Citizens’ Oversight Committee
After a bond authorized under Proposition 39 is passed, state law requires that the Woodside Elementary School District Board of Trustees appoint a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to work with the District.

Committee Responsibilities
In accordance with Education Code Section 15278(b), the Citizens’ Oversight Committee shall:
  • Inform the public concerning the District's expenditure of Measure D bond proceeds;
  • Review expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that Measure D bond proceeds were expended only for the purposes set forth in Measure D; and
  • Present to the Board of Trustees in public session, an annual written report outlining their activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of Measure D bond proceeds.
The Bylaws which govern the Citizens’ Oversight Committee are attached to this Application.
Appointment of Committee Members
All appointments will be made by the Board of Trustees from applications submitted to the District.

Time Commitment and Term
Initial appointments will be staggered, such that some of the initial appointees will be appointed to serve one full two-year term.  The other initial appointments will serve a one-year term, but will be eligible for reappointment by the Board of Trustees for a second and third two-year term.

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Audited Financials, Annual Report, Bylaws, Handbook and meeting agendas and minutes and final implementation Plan will be presented here.