Thank you Woodside!
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The Woodside Elementary School District would like to thank all the parents and community members who supported for the Parcel Tax measure in the November 5th election.
Election results are being tracked HERE.

Measure Y
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Measure Y Information Only
In 2017, our community overwhelmingly voted to continue local parcel tax funding to ensure high-quality teaching and learning programs and more for local Woodside elementary and middle school kids. However, this funding is now set to expire. The locally elected school board has unanimously placed Measure Y on the November 5 ballot to extend it without increasing the tax rate.

Measure Y Question: “To maintain and enhance Woodside School’s academic excellence by providing quality instruction in math, science, reading/writing; attracting/retaining outstanding teachers; and maintaining low student-teacher ratio, shall Woodside Elementary School District’s measure be adopted extending the District’s existing school parcel tax, currently at $366.66 per parcel (raising approximately $392,000 annually), for 12 years, without increasing the tax rate, as annually adjusted, with independent citizens’ oversight, exempting those 65 years and older, and all funds spent only for Woodside School?”

Over the next several months, we will provide more information about Measure Y leading up to the election. If you have any questions or would like to have a representative discuss Measure Y with you or your group, please contact Michelle Ahlstrom.

Where can I confirm I’m registered to vote, re-register, or register? What is the deadline? The last day to register to vote online or postmark is October 22, 2024. After the deadline, you can still register conditionally and vote at any Vote Center in San Mateo County. Your vote will be counted once you’re confirmed as an eligible voter. Visit register to to register to vote, pre-register to vote at age 16 and 17, or check your registration status. If you need to change your voting address within Woodside, you must re-register at register to, or with a paper registration form. Paper forms are available at the Elections Office, the library, and the post office.

Measure Y Fact Sheet
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Woodside School District Background: As one of the top schools in the state, Woodside Elementary School District (WESD) is committed to providing an innovative and engaging learning experience that fosters the development of the whole child and maintains the high quality of our WSD TK-8 school. Exceptional teachers, small class sizes, challenging instructional programs, and outstanding science, math, art, and music programs have prepared generations of local children to succeed in high school, college, and careers. WESD’s goal is to continue that proud tradition. However, we receive very little state funding. Locally controlled funding helps to fill in the gap. WESD has looked closely at its budget and outlay, improved efficiencies, and conducts ongoing assessments of local school instructional program needs—including the need to retain high quality teachers and maintain core academics for elementary and middle school children.

Measure Y DEFINED:
In 2017, the Woodside community voted to extend our current parcel tax to maintain high quality instruction (especially in math, science, reading and writing), attract and retain outstanding teachers, and maintain small class sizes. This measure is now expiring. Measure Y is a local annual parcel tax measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot which would renew this measure without increasing the tax rate, as annually adjusted for a total of $366.66 per/parcel, for 12 years. Measure Y requires 66.7% support to pass. All Woodside Elementary School District voters registered to vote will be eligible to participate in the election on Measure Y by voting on or by November 5, 2024.

Measure Y Ballot Question:
“To maintain and enhance Woodside School’s academic excellence by providing quality instruction in math, science, reading/writing; attracting/retaining outstanding teachers; and maintaining low studentteacher ratio, shall Woodside Elementary School District’s measure be adopted extending the District’s existing school parcel tax, currently at $366.66 per parcel (raising approximately $392,000 annually), for 12 years, without increasing the tax rate, as annually adjusted, with independent citizens’ oversight, exempting those 65 years and older, and all funds spent only for Woodside School?”
Measure Y Summary – Proceeds from Measure Y may be used for the following, and not for any other purpose, including administrator salaries:
• Fund quality instruction in math, science, reading and writing
• Attract and retain outstanding teachers
• Maintain a low student-teacher ratio

Oversight and Taxpayer Protections:
• By law, all funds from Measure Y will be controlled locally, dedicated to Woodside School only.
• The State cannot take Measure Y funding away.
• Independent citizens' oversight will ensure Measure Y funds are spent as promised.
Measure Y extends the District’s existing school parcel tax without increasing the tax rate, as annually adjusted.
An exemption from the tax is available for senior property owners 65 years and older and those receiving supplemental income or insurance for disability. If you already have an exemption in place, you do not need to fill out additional paperwork – exemption will continue. If you have questions about whether you have an exemption or if you need to file for one, please email or call us at any time. The exemption application can also be found by visiting or HERE.
For more information:
Visit OR call 650-851-1571 Woodside Elementary School District November 5th 2024 School Parcel Tax Extension Measure Y Fact Sheet

Measure Y Fequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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What is Measure Y?
In 2017, the Woodside community voted to extend our current parcel tax to maintain high quality instruction (especially in math, science, reading and writing), attract and retain outstanding teachers, and maintain small class sizes. This measure is now expiring. Measure Y is a local annual parcel tax measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot which would renew this measure without increasing the tax rate, as annually adjusted for a total of $366.66 per/parcel, for 12 years. Measure Y requires 66.7% support to pass. All Woodside Elementary School District voters registered to vote will be eligible to participate in the election on Measure Y by voting on or by November 5, 2024.
Why has Woodside Elementary School District (WESD) placed Measure Y on the ballot?
As one of the top schools in the state, Woodside Elementary School District (WESD) is committed to providing an innovative and engaging learning experience that fosters the development of the whole child and maintains the high quality of our WESD TK-8 school. Exceptional teachers, small class sizes, challenging instructional programs, and outstanding science, math, art, and music programs have prepared generations of local children to succeed in high school, college, and careers. WESD’s goal is to continue that proud tradition. However, we receive very little state funding. Locally controlled funding helps to fill in the gap. WESD has looked closely at its budget and outlay, improved efficiencies, and conducts ongoing assessments of local school instructional program needs—including the need to retain high quality teachers and maintain core academics for elementary and middle school children.
What is the actual Measure Y question that will be on the ballot on November 5?
“To maintain and enhance Woodside School’s academic excellence by providing quality instruction in math, science, reading/writing; attracting/retaining outstanding teachers; and maintaining low student-teacher ratio, shall Woodside Elementary School District’s measure be adopted extending the District’s existing school parcel tax, currently at $366.66 per parcel (raising approximately $392,000 annually), for 12 years, without increasing the tax rate, as annually adjusted, with independent citizens’ oversight, exempting those 65 years and older, and all funds spent only for Woodside School?”
How can proceeds from Measure Y be used?
Proceeds from Measure Y may be used for the following, and not for any other purpose, including administrator salaries:
• Fund quality instruction in math, science, reading and writing
• Attract and retain outstanding teachers
• Maintain a low student-teacher ratio
Does Measure Y include oversight and taxpayer protections?
• By law, all funds from Measure Y will be controlled locally, dedicated to Woodside School only.
• The State cannot take Measure Y funding away.
• Independent citizens' oversight will ensure Measure Y funds are spent as promised.
Doesn’t the State provide enough for instruction, programming, and teachers?
Unfortunately, the level of school funding provided by the State of California is one of the lowest in the nation, and the Woodside Elementary School District is one of the lowest funded in the State and in San Mateo County. Local funding helps to fill in the gap. WESD has tightened its belt, improved efficiencies, and has also conducted a full assessment of all local school instructional program needs—including the need to retain the best teachers and maintain core academics for children in grades TK-8.
What about Woodside School Foundation (WSF)?
Woodside Elementary School District relies on both the parcel tax and the Woodside School Foundation. The parcel tax and the contributions from WSF together help to maintain low class sizes, challenging instructional programs and enrichment programs for our elementary and middle school.
Is there a senior and disabled exemption to Measure Y?
An exemption from the tax is available for senior property owners 65 years and older and those receiving supplemental income or insurance for disability. If you already have an exemption in place, you do not need to fill out additional paperwork – exemption will continue. If you have questions about whether you have an exemption or if you need to file for one, please email or call us at any time. The exemption application can also be found by visiting or HERE
Will businesses share in the cost of Measure Y?
Yes, commercial, industrial, and residential property owners will be subject to the same rate per parcel. Who is eligible to vote on Measure Y? All registered voters living within the jurisdiction of the Woodside Elementary School District will be eligible to participate in the November 5th General Election on Measure Y.
What is required for Measure Y to pass (win)?
Measure Y is approved if it receives at least two-thirds or 66.67% of the votes in the November 5th ballot.

Who makes the final decision on Measure Y?
The locally elected Board of Education of Woodside Elementary School District is the legal entity that has called for the Measure Y election. Ultimately, Woodside Elementary School District REGISTERED VOTERS will have the final say whether or not to authorize levy of Measure Y.
Where can I confirm I’m registered to vote, re-register, or register? What is the deadline?
The last day to register to vote online or postmark is October 22,2024. After the deadline, you can still register conditionally and vote at any Vote Center in San Mateo County. Your vote will be counted once you’re confirmed as an eligible voter. Visit to register to vote, pre-register to vote at age 16 and 17, or check your registration status. If you need to change your voting address within Woodside, you will need to re-register at, or with a paper registration form. Paper forms are available at the Elections Office, the library, and post office.
Where can I get more information?
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit OR call 650-851-1571