What is Transitional Kindergarden (TK)?
TK is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.

What is the age requirement for TK?
Children who are born between September 2, 2019 and September 1, 2020 are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten

Can I enroll my child in TK if they are not age eligible?
Younger children who turn 5 after September 1, 2020 cannot be enrolled in TK.  

Must age eligible children attend TK?
No. Since school is mandatory for six-year-old students, parents and guardians must enroll their children in school once they reach the age of six (EC Section 48200).  Kindergarten is not an alternative option for TK age children.

Is TK a full day program?
TK in Woodside is a half-day program from the beginning of school through the end of September, then TK changes to a full day program from October through the end of the school year.  TK students are on the same schedule as Kindergarten students.

Are there immunizations requirements for school entry?
California law requires each child to have a health examination report for school entry. This report consists of a health examination and an up-to-date immunization record. The Report of Health Examination for School Entry must be completed by a health examiner. The Report of Health Examination form can be found in your registration packet.

How are TK programs different than preschool or other child development programs offered to three and four year old children?
TK programs, as defined in statute, are not preschool classrooms or child development programs. They are part of the K-12 public school system and are the first year of a two-year kindergarten program, which uses a modified kindergarten curriculum. Pursuant to EC 48000(f), TK programs are intended to be aligned to the California Preschool Learning Foundations developed by the CDE. TK programs are required to be taught by a teacher who meets credentialing requirements.

Preschool or other child development programs prepare three and four year old children for school, are not required to be taught by persons meeting teacher credential requirements. Instead, they must meet separate child development permit requirements.

What are the standards and/or the curriculum for TK? (Updated 1.22.2016)
California law (EC 48000) defines TK as “the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.” While no state curriculum is mandated, pursuant to EC 48000(f), TK programs are intended to be aligned to the California Preschool Learning Foundations developed by the CDE.

What are the benefits of TK?
Transitional kindergarten bridges the path between preschool and kindergarten and gives students the gift of time that will help them build a strong foundation for future school success. It blends social and emotional experience with academic learning, so that students not only learn essential pre-literacy, pre-math, and other cognitive skills, but also develop social and self-regulation skills needed to succeed in school and life. One out of every four kindergarten students in California can benefit from transitional kindergarten.

TK is a win-win-win for children, families and schools.

  • Children are better prepared to succeed.
  • Families have an additional option to ensure their children enter kindergarten with the maturity, confidence and skills they need to excel.
  • Schools benefit because children will be better prepared to succeed academically and less likely to be placed in special education or held back in later grades.
Please contact our Lower School Principal Patrick Hurley