I am so looking forward to teaching English Language Development at Woodside School. My experience that I will apply at Woodside has been to foster the joy of learning language while emphasizing the students' growth in vocabulary and academic language. I taught in East Palo Alto for over two decades, mostly as a reading specialist, and I earned my coaching certification from St. Mary's College. In my last role as a Sobrato Early Academic Language Coach and Facilitator in the San Bruno Park School District, I worked with district leaders and staff to establish systems and practices that enriched language development. My goal in working with each English learner is to encourage his/her pride in his/her culture, to honor each family no matter its origin, and to respect the richness and diversity of all the languages that our students hear at home.
I graduated from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts with a Bachelor's degree in Geology, and I have earned two master's degrees: one in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Colorado and the second from the University of San Francisco in Organizational Leadership. I have also participated in and taught strategies to work with dyslexic learners. I am currently receiving my LETRS certification through a partnership with UCSF and the dyslexia initiative with the Sacramento Office of Education.
I am an avid hiker and love spending time with my husband and two daughters. I have a passion for reading and traveling.
EL students will be taught a comprehensive curriculum through four domains of listening, reading, writing, and speaking, using the California ELD standards combined with the California Common Core State Standards ELA/Literacy. To see a detailed list of ELD standards based on grade, please visit California’s Department of Education (CDE) website:
A los estudiantes de EL se les enseñará un plan de estudios integral a través de cuatro dominios de escucha, lectura, escritura y expresión oral, utilizando los estándares de ELD de California combinados con los Estándares Estatales Comunes de California ELA / Alfabetización. Para ver una lista detallada de los estándares ELD según el grado, visite el sitio web del Departamento de Educación de California (CDE): https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/documents/eldstndspublication14.pdf
Students will receive the same instructional activities in literacy as their non-EL peers, along with differentiated support based on student needs. To master certain linguistic and cognitive skills, EL students will interact in meaningful ways: collaborative (engaging in conversations), interpretive (active listening, reading closely, evaluating and analyzing text), and productive (developing strong speaking and writing skills). EL students will learn how English works through structuring cohesive texts, expanding and enriching ideas, and connecting and condensing ideas.
Los estudiantes recibirán las mismas actividades de instrucción en alfabetización que sus compañeros que no son EL, junto con un apoyo diferenciado basado en la necesidad de cada estudiante. Para dominar ciertas habilidades lingüísticas y cognitivas, los estudiantes de EL interactuarán de manera significativa: colaborativa (participaran en conversaciones), interpretativa (escucharan activamente, leerán atentamente, evaluaran y analizarán textos) y productiva (desarrollar fuertes habilidades de habla y escritura). Los estudiantes EL aprenderán cómo funciona el inglés mediante la estructuración de textos cohesivos, la expansión y enriquecimiento de ideas y la conexión y condensación de ideas.
How will students receive EL instruction?
EL students will be receiving both in-classroom support and small group or individual differentiated instruction based on need. The goal of all EL students is to develop proficiency in the English language and literacy. ELs will receive high-quality instruction based on both the Califonia CCSS for ELA/Literacy and the California ELD Standards.
¿Cómo recibirán los estudiantes la instrucción EL?
Los estudiantes EL recibirán apoyo tanto en el aula como en grupos pequeños o instrucción individualizada según su necesidad. El objetivo de todos los estudiantes EL es desarrollar el dominio del idioma inglés y la alfabetización. Los estudiantes EL recibirán instrucción de alta calidad basada en los CCSS de California para ELA / Alfabetización y las Normas de ELD de California.
How will I know how my child is progressing?
EL students will be receiving progress reports on their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills at each trimester. Communication between parents/guardians and the ELD teacher will continue throughout the year so that they can support their children’s language and cognitive development at home.
¿Cómo sabré cómo progresa mi hijo/a?
Los estudiantes EL recibirán informes de progreso en sus habilidades de escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir cada trimestre. La comunicación entre los padres / tutores y el maestro de ELD continuará durante todo el año para que puedan apoyar el desarrollo cognitivo y del lenguaje de sus hijos en el hogar.