Gratitude Tree, Posters & Survey
Students will be expressing what they are grateful for on a decorative leaf that will hang from the Gratitude Tree, outside of the school office. Students will also be making posters to hang  around campus, recognizing and thanking our wonderful custodians and paraeducators. Sharing appreciation for one another, the teachers will gather at our Gratitude potluck luncheon and enjoy a warm meal.

Appreciation Activity
We’d like to encourage all families to have their children participate in a gratitude scavenger hunt activity HERE 
at home to practice the act of appreciation.

Food & Toy Drive — Samaritan House
Our Upper School is collecting food donations to Support the Samaritan House, an organization that helps families in need right here in our own Bay area community. Please bring in NON-PERISHABLE items (find list here) and drop off the food in the blue bins outside the school office or Sellman. Please be generous in helping our neighbors in need! 
You can also donate for specific items HERE or below.
Samaritan House Drive 

Gratitude Posters!Top of Page


Gratitude Trees!
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