Each month, our SEL curriculum will focus on a different theme. Teachers work these SEL themes into the existing curriculum using literature, discussions, and cross-curricular lessons, as well as standalone lessons. Our SEL team has worked hard to prepare a thoughtful overview of the year so that families can understand the focus themes for the year. You can learn more about these themes as well as how you can tie the themes into your home life here.
Just a small offering of appreciation can transform relationships and boost student self-worth. Studies have shown that when someone gets appreciated, they feel more socially valued, and this can lead to prosocial behavior. In other words, when someone receives thanks, they are more likely to pay it forward. The more teachers express and practice gratitude, the more inclined students will be to do the same, leading to a more appreciative, supportive, and equitable community. It is also important to express gratitude for the things that we have rather than talk about what we don’t have. There is so much to be grateful for about Woodside school and the community!
At home, you can practice gratitude by filling a gratitude jar or by asking each member of the family what they were thankful for today during dinner.