Grand Auction Syndicate GuidelinesTop of Page

What is a Syndicate?
Auction “syndicates” are an opportunity for groups of friends and families to bid together on one item, thus sharing the cost of the winning bid. For example, the Harrisons, Lennons, McCartneys and Starrs are interested in bidding on a dinner party for four couples. They can do so by having the Lennons bid on behalf of the group. If the Lennons are the winning bidder, they confirm with the WSF office about how to divide the cost among the four families.

  • Syndicates must have a lead bidder.
  • The number of people in a syndicate may not exceed the number of people for which the item is offered as specified in the item description.
  • To bid as a syndicate, fill out a Syndicate Form, available in the catalog or on the auction website, and return it to the WSF office or at the concierge desk in the tent. Include the item, lead bidder, additional bidders and the number of shares each bidder wishes to purchase.
  • Syndicate Forms must be turned in by midnight on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.
  • The winning bidder of any item for which there is no Syndicate Form turned in by the close of the auction will be held responsible for the full amount of the winning bid.
  • Syndicates are split evenly between buyers unless we are directed otherwise.
  • Bidders added to a winning syndicate after the auction will be invoiced at the same share price as the original winning bidders in the syndicate.