Curriculum standards are what all grade-level students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of a school year. Key standards of fourth grade education are highlighted below. All K-5 teachers are implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ( in both English Language Arts and Mathematics. Curriculum used includes Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, Envision Math, Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative (SVMI), FOSS Science Program, and Scott-Foresman History-Social Studies.
Delve into complex texts and see significance in details
Study complexity of characters
Trace a theme through the story
Grow skills such as inference and interpretation
Use their knowledge of structure to decide what is and isn’t important
Form research teams to delve into topics about extreme weather and natural disasters
Study authorial tone and craft, practice close reading, compare and contrast, and evaluate sources to determine credibility
Use nonfiction texts to research history
Learn strategies to tackle complex texts, preview and paraphrase, and study all parts of a text to extract main ideas
Discover strategies for learning and using new domain-specific words
Practice reading analytically, synthesizing complicated narratives, comparing and contrasting themes, and incorporating nonfiction research into their reading
Learn to apply their own writing techniques across the genres of Opinion, Information, and Narrative
Develop believable characters with struggles and motivations and rich stories to tell in their fictional writing
Learn the value of organization and form by gathering evidence to support and express an opinion on topics they know well
Tackle historical research by collecting evidence and using details to vividly describe people and events long ago and far away.
Build on their learning of essay writing and apply it with increasing sophistication
Speaking and Listening
Participate in conversations about grade level topics
Paraphrase a text and identify reasons and evidence
Report on topic/text, tell a story, retell an experience
Differentiate between formal English and informal discourse
Woodside Elementary School District adopted TCI’s (Teacher’s Curriculum Institute) Social Studies Alive! curriculum for grades K-8. TCI is located in Mountain View and has been supporting teachers for decades in making social studies come alive for students. Our approach includes Hands-On Activities that engage students in big questions, as well as inquiry-based lessons that help students develop critical thinking skills and master essential knowledge
For Fourth Grade Students, the textbook is Social Studies Alive! California’s Promise.