Kindergarten Curriculum
Kindergarten in Woodside Elementary School is committed to maintaining students’ natural curiosity and confidence in themselves as learners while developing the student behaviors that will enable them to become active and focused learners in a classroom setting. Social-emotional learning is a key component of the kindergarten year and will continue to be built upon as students progress through the grade levels.
The following summary of the instructional program provides an overview of the Kindergarten year, with expectations modified or expanded to meet an individual child’s needs and abilities. Additionally, Kindergarten students have an opportunity for “Choice Time” to make their own choices, create, pretend, communicate, solve problems and enjoy interactive play with their peers.
Curriculum standards are what all grade-level students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of a school year. Key standards of kindergarten education are highlighted below. All K-5 teachers are implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ( in both English Language Arts and Mathematics. Curriculum used includes Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, Envision Math, Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative (SVMI), FOSS Science Program, and Scott-Foresman History-Social Studies.
In Kindergarten, each student will…
Language Arts
Speaking and Listening
Social Studies
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Learn about…
Physical Education
Skills are introduced in Kindergarten and continue to build upon each other throughout the grades. Some areas to be emphasized throughout the year are:
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