Interested in ordering books for your child? With every order you place, your child's classroom account gets bonus points, free books, and more! Scholastic Reading Club
Also visit Scholastic's parenting website for activities, printables, and tips for raising happy, healthy children. Scholastic Parents
Starfall is a free, interactive website to teach children reading with phonics. Starfall has fun, colorful, and exciting phonics games and online books.
Begin with Starfall ABC's. Click on letters to hear letter sounds, songs, and fun games. Your child will begin to recognize the connection between letters and sounds. Once they've mastered letters and sounds, you can move to Learn to Read. If your child is confident in reading already, you can advance to It's Fun to Read or I'm Reading.
Here are some fun, educational apps we recommend to extend learning beyond the classroom. Keep your kindergartener sharp at home or on vacation.
Practice handwriting at home!
Download the multi-sensory app to help practice proper letter formation.
Simply click on the website below and download the app on your iPad/tablet.