Mrs. Virgallito
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Sonja VirgallitoSonja
Room 2
Hello and welcome to Woodside School TK! I will update my page periodically with newsletters, important dates and my wish lists. I look forward to getting to know your children and families.

I am thrilled to be teaching in TK! My love of teaching began while working with preschool-aged children and I have been lucky enough to be placed in this exciting new grade level. I believe that it is a perfect match for me!

I am a Woodside native, born and raised just around the corner from Woodside School. I attended this wonderful school from K-8th grade, went on to Woodside High and then to the University of Colorado at Boulder. After teaching in California for a few years, and then Hawaii, I landed back in my hometown in my old Kindergarten classroom. I feel so lucky to be working in the school that I grew up in. I have been teaching for 22 years, 17 of those have been in TK and kindergarten. 

I currently live in beautiful Half Moon Bay with my husband, Greg, and two boys, Lucca (18) and Axel (12). We are often found at the beach or riding bikes around our town. I have many passions besides teaching, including: recreating outdoors, running, yoga, cooking healthy meals and traveling. I love being in nature.