Many of our Upper School students ride their bikes to school, and recently we have noticed an uptick in electric bikes, scooters, and electric pocket motorcycles. Students are allowed to use any mode of transportation to get to school that your family deems appropriate in compliance with state laws. As a reminder, in California, anyone aged 18 and under operating a bicycle, scooter or skateboard, or using roller skates must legally wear a bicycle helmet. When students get to campus, there are specific rules that must be followed for the safety of all students. If your child bikes or scooters to school, please review these rules carefully with them:
  • All bikes and scooters must be walked across crosswalks and on campus
  • Bikes and scooters, including e-bikes, must be parked in the bike rack area only. Nothing should be parked in the hallways.
  • Riding of e-bikes, e-scooters, and skateboards are not allowed on campus at any time, including before or after school. Non-motorized bikes and scooters can be ridden after 4pm on the asphalt at the back of campus. 
We all value our amazing campus and the resources that it has to offer, and we appreciate your support in upholding these rules so that all students, families, and staff members are safe here. Thank you for your partnership!