From the San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) — Drivers and Families Are Encouraged to Follow Safety Tips HERE.
Roadway Safety arriving and departing from Woodside School.
  • Please wait at the crosswalk for an adult (usually Mr. Martinez) to signal when it's safe to cross.
  • Always press the signal and use the crosswalk when walking across Woodside Road to the Sellman and Kinder parking lots.
  • Before entering the roadway, double-check road lights are flashing and incoming cars are slowing down allowing a safe cross.
  • Please wait at the crosswalk for an adult (usually Mr. Martinez) to signal when it's safe to cross.
  • If riding a bike to and from school, please wear a helmet that meets CPSC standards and fits properly with straps properly fastened.
  • Since we don't have sidewalks in Woodside, it's important that all bikers stay within the bike lanes.
  • Walk your bike across busy intersections using the crosswalk, stop at all stop signs and obey traffic rules just as cars do.
  • Slow down! The speed limit in a school zone is 25 MPH but please use special caution at drop-off and pick-up times. 
  • Be patient! Stay in your lane and do not pass a stopped car by driving in the bike lane area.
  • Observe driving all laws, focus on the road and not on your phone!