Physical education is an integral part of the overall education program for every student. It provides one of the few opportunities for every student to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to lead a physically active lifestyle. “A high-quality physical education program promotes an active lifestyle, improved health, motor skill development, and better cognitive performance.” (Etnier and Sibley 2003; Etnier et al. 1997)
The Woodside physical education program consists of developmentally appropriate lessons with activities that are in alignment with the California State Content Standards. The courses are designed to create maximum opportunities for the development of skills, knowledge, health-related fitness, and ultimately, the confidence to enjoy an active healthy lifestyle. This course will help you develop habits for a lifetime of fitness and health. We will focus on cooperation, respect, communication, trust, and fun.
At Woodside, we provide a diverse physical education program that includes cooperative activities, non-traditional games, and movement & rhythms suited to the capacities and limitations of all students. We emphasize the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of all students.
Grades K – 8
Standard 1: Demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 2: Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies as they apply to learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3: Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
Standard 4: Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.
Standard 5: Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies as applied to learning and performance of physical activity
In addition to the California State FitnessGram® Testing, students at Woodside will learn to perform and practice a variety of fitness testing activities throughout the year. Students will learn to assess and plan personal fitness programs for self-improvement. They will also be encouraged to practice at home a few times a week and record improvements. Fitness principles such aS (FITT) Frequency of exercise, Intensity of exercise, Time of exercise, and Type of exercise will be utilized in logs and goal setting.
If a student is unable to fully participate in PE it is important that communication be received prior to the start of the school day to ensure ample time to institute required adaptations to best support the student throughout the school day. Teachers will ensure that a student receives physical education instruction that meets his or her unique needs. Students with medical conditions are entitled to an instructional program based on grade-level or course-level PE standards. The program for those students is designed to address the same standards as that for students without medical conditions. When possible, students with medical conditions engage in the same instructional unit and content area.
PE Dress Code: All students must wear attire that allows them to fully participate in all PE activities. Shoes need to be safe and supportive and fit the needs of the student. Students wearing flip-flops, sandals, heels, Crocs, Ugg boots, or cowboy boots may not be allowed to participate in physical activities due to safety concerns.
How to choose the best running, athletic or sports shoes:
I will come to school prepared and ready to learn.
I will be on time to school and to my classes.
I will be attentive to instruction and always try to do my best.
I will practice self-control in my language and actions.
I will be respectful of school property and the property of others.
I will complete and turn in my homework on time.
I will always be respectful of my teacher(s), staff, and parents.
I will display courtesy and good sportsmanship in games and while using equipment.
I will include all fellow students to join in organized games and activities.
I will refrain from gum chewing and food during class.
I will report all injuries to the teacher during the class period so the proper action can be taken.
I will ask for permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom.
I will use physical education equipment in a respectful way.
I will use the equipment with the teacher’s permission.
I will play fair and display good sportsmanship.
Physical Activities, Class work Assignments, and Homework
Classwork, which involves reading and writing, may be assigned to support physical activities done in class. Any in-classwork not completed is considered homework. Students will be required to complete assignments as an assessment to measure their understanding of the Physical Education Standards.
Physical activities will be performed regularly during class. Students should always come prepared to perform a variety of physical activities both physically and mentally. Students are expected to put forth their best effort every day.
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