7th grade Mandarin Syllabus
Course Description and Objectives:
Welcome to 7th grade Mandarin! This course is designed for students with basic knowledge of Chinese. The goal of this class is to expand students’ vocabulary and promote their Chinese language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with an emphasis on oral communication. At the end of the school year, students are able to communicate, read and write in Chinese on a variety of topics. They will also gain knowledge of and develop insight into Chinese culture and important philosophical ideas and values in Chinese societies.
7th Grade Mandarin Textbook: Happy Chinese (volume I) , Nihao (volume I)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion, students will be able to:
Mandarin Classroom expectation:
Homework is assigned through Google classroom once a week on Tuesday and is due on Friday. Although students have more than one day to complete it, they are strongly encouraged to start doing their homework as soon as it is assigned, so they can bring questions to me if they encounter any difficulties before the due day. Homework should not exceed 20 minutes a week.
Late work:
Late work will receive a 10% reduced points from the total points per day but no more than 50% off penalty. For example, a student will receive 90% of its original point value if the work is one day late, but any work that is more than 5 days later from the due day can still receive a maximum of 50% of its original point value.
Quizzes and Tests:
A quiz is given monthly after we finish a unit. A test is given at the end of each trimester as a summertive assessment. All the tests and quizzes have the same format and include four components: speaking, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing (including grammar). Students may do test correction to a failed test within 2 weeks of the return of the assessment. Test correction allows students to raise their score up to a maximum of 70% of original score.
Office hours:
My office hour is Thursday lunchtime and recess by appointment. I would love to help you with catching up, making up works, re-teaching and more practicing.
Grading Policies:
Grades will be based on a weighted total of points accumulated throughout each trimester.
The following is Woodside School Letter Grading System:
A 93 – 100 A- 90 - 92
B+ 87 - 89 B 83 – 86 B- 80 - 82
C+ 77 – 79 C 73 – 76 C- 70 - 72
D+ 67 – 69 D 63 – 66 D- 60 - 62
F below 60
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