Girls in Math is a student-run organization dedicated to embracing young girls passionate in mathematics. This year, we are hosting our first Girls in Math competition, an online middle school math competition. We encourage anyone from grades 6-8 to join! The competition consists of 2 rounds and the first round is set to take place on Sunday, March 10, 2024 from 4-5 p.m. The competition will be on Zoom and all information be sent out over email to those who register by December 31st. We also have two practice tests released (website) and will host 2 prep seminars on Zoom to review them (scheduled for January 14th and February 18th) before the actual competition. Students just have to register and show up on the competition day. Find the flyer below
This isn't a very serious competition and is just for fun, so no training is required from Woodside. As high school students we just want to spread joy and use our own experiences to create new opportunities!
Questions? Please feel free to ask us at, or May's school email We are so excited to see you guys at the competition! :)