All Woodside Middle School students are invited to participate in Cotillion each year. Beginning in January and running for eight weeks, students meet one time each week for the annual Woodside tradition. Cotillion provides instruction in etiquette for social events and provides an introduction to "ballroom" dancing, such as the Waltz, Rumba, Samba, and Swing.
Students who sign up for Cotillion should expect:
To have a great time!
To dance with EVERYONE! Dancers are rotated in order to give everyone the chance to learn how to dance with a variety of partners.
To put your cell phones away during the entire class.
In addition, there is a dress code:
Please plan to wear slightly dressier attire than typical school clothes.
Boys: dress slacks, button-down collared shirt or sweater, dress shoes. No athletic shoes or sandals.
Girls: Dresses, skirts or dress slacks with dress shoes are appropriate. Flat shoes are strongly encouraged!
Shoes must be worn at all times and comfortable shoes will make dancing easier!
Items that should not be brought to Cotillion class include:
Cameras - no photos allowed
Gum - no gum chewing allowed
Classes will be held on Tuesday nights from are held from 7:30-8:30pm in Sellman, and they run from January through the middle of March. Parents are invited to the final class to take part in viewing how much students have learned throughout the class.
The class fee is $130 (8 weeks), and checks can be made payable to WES. This is a Middle School fundraiser that helps to raise money for the 6th grade class fund. Scholarships are available by contacting the school office staff. Parent Volunteers, chaperones, and refreshments are needed. For more information on Cotillion and how to sign up, please see the 2020 Cotillion Flyer. Also, please contact Claire Pollioni if you are interested in volunteering.